April 1, 2008

Behold The Atheist's Nightmare

One of the newly unveiled features on The Ship of Fools (see my plug post for the Ship) is an off-shoot of the old Fruitcake Zone called FruitTube. The first FruitTube feature is a video made by our old friend Mike Seaver from Growing Pains (you may know him as Kirk Cameron, star of the critically acclaimed Left Behind movie series). Cameron and his sidekick, Ray Comfort, co-created (and co-host) an array of evangelism tools for their company, the Way of the Master, founded in 2002.

For a more detailed introduction, including a follow-up video that makes an excellent point, check out the FruitTube section of Ship of Fools. I've included the Atheist's Nightmare video below, for all of you Mike Seaver fans to enjoy.

If you don't believe in God, or know anyone else who doesn't, please allow Kirk Cameron's friend to persuade you with this compelling argument.

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